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MothersBabies Newsletter:
The Diversity Diet for Microbiome Health


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Q: What’s the one gut-related thing that most healthy people have in common? 

A: A rich and diverse gut microbiome!
Whilst everybody has their very own, unique gut microbiome composition, a gut microbiome with large amounts of microbes, plus many of different types of microbes, seems to be a common factor across the healthiest people.
The months, and even years, leading into parenthood represent a critical period of time where you can optimise your gut microbiome to help increase your chances of smooth sailing through pregnancy and birth, whilst also passing on the gift of a healthy microbiome to your baby.
One way to optimise your gut health and increase the diversity of your gut microbiome is to increase the diversity of your diet.
In this newsletter you can:
  • Read an article by nutritionist, Clare Carrick, outlining some practical tips to increase your own dietary diversity and support your gut microbiome.
  • Read a summary of the American Gut Project, written by Dr Fathalla Ali, outlining the findings of a survey looking into the effects of diet and antibiotics on the gut microbiota of 11,336 participants. 
  • Watch gourmet chef and farmer Matthew Evans offer his advice for people wanting to eat a more microbiome-friendly diet.

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The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or treatment.

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner. 

Keywords: Preconception, Fertility

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