Resources for Mothers

MothersBabies is an independent charity and does not recommend specific brands, companies or services, but here is a list of resources you might find interesting as you plan your family and learn about the mighty microbiome.

It’s your body, your life and your pregnancy. You choose the right time to fall pregnant. Visit Family Planning NSW and download ‘Contraception options at Download this great fact sheet. Other useful information from can be accessed here.

Pregnancy, babies and children cost money. There are lots of interesting links and reports on this site:

There are 5 tips on this site:

There is useful information on this site:

Fertility cannot be taken for granted. You can get your fertility tested, have your fertility preserved and plan for your baby. Visit this site for information on preparing:

This is a very helpful site with a link to an app called “OvaGraph – Ovulation and Fertility Tracker”: (Taking Charge of Your Fertility).

Listen to Professor Bill Ledger talking about fertility.

Fertility testing is available. The AMH Fertility test costs $80 and is not covered by medicare.

Here is some feedback on the  AMH test from Mamamia (from 2011)

Be aware of your recessive genes by taking a DNA test. Find out how

The approximate cost of a genetic test is $385-$400 and ir is not covered by medicare or private health insurance. visit for more

The greatest gift you can give to your baby is an immune system that can fight disease. Your baby’s immune system comes from you, so be as healthy as you can be.

What is MothersBabies all about?

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MothersBabies empowers mothers-to-be to transform their health and the health of their child through education and knowledge solutions that improve gut health.


We present the latest research from around the world on the impact that the gut microbiome has on the health of babies and mothers. As you will learn, this is something that is easy to manage and has an incredible impact all the way from pre-conception to the first years of babies life.


We share the research in easy-to-understand ways such as articles, case studies, white-papers (for those of you who like a long read) and FAQ’s. Most importantly, we want to provide you with real knowledge that can be applied in your life. All for free!

If you want to stay informed as the latest research comes out,please subscribe to our newsletter below.