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MothersBabies Newsletter:

6 Things You Need if You Want To Improve Your Gut Health


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As a society, we can definitely overcomplicate things when it comes to our diets…

Social media doesn’t help…

Neither do the countless magazine articles we see claiming that “(Insert random food) will ‘fix your gut health’…” or “Avoid (insert another random food) if you want a healthy gut”…

The truth is that it’s unlikely that one particular food will ‘fix your gut’…And, unless you have an allergy or intolerance, there’s no reason to avoid whole food groups for your gut health either! 

But…there are certain habits and eating patterns that are associated with healthier guts…

So we’ve compiled a simple checklist for you to keep in mind when you’re trying to improve your gut health… How many can you tick off?
  • A variety of vegetables (frozen or fresh).
  • A few different fruits each day.
  • Some whole grains…quinoa, oats, wheat, millet, rye etc…
  • Some legumes… chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans etc…
  • A handful of nuts and seeds. 
  • Plenty of water…

Of course, some people will need more specialised advice (eg those suffering from ibs) and we highly recommend you seek individualised professional help if that is you…

But for most, if you can honestly say you’re getting these things into your diet *most* days, you’re off to a great start!

Which one do you find the most difficult to include in your diet most days?


If you’d like to learn more about optimising your gut health (in an enjoyable, non-restrictive way!), sign up to our online course ‘Healthy Gut, Healthier Baby’, which is currently free! 

Simply enter the code ‘HEALTHYBUB’ when you check out, and you will gain free access to the entire ten modules (normally priced at $376!)




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The information in this newsletter is provided for general educational purposes only.

Statements or opinions expressed in the newsletter should not be taken as fact, but as opinion on the current state of evidence based science. The content is not (and should not be taken to be) medical advice or an endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or treatment. 

If you require medical attention please seek professional advice from an appropriately experienced health practitioner.


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